16 Osgood Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10304, United States
To the Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers and Men who have made such a huge impact in the lives of our Head Start children, we appreciate you! And it is during this historic time of unprecedented measures, that we call on you, to continue to work with us, to answer the call of protecting our most valuable, natural resource, our children.
The foundation of Head Start has been and will always continue to be the Family and what does that look like without you?
We have partnered with a very resourceful and supportive network that includes the Father Hood Matters program, led by a native Staten Islander, Vernon “Dyverse” Wooten. As part of our Fatherhood Initiative, you will be fulfilling a much-needed role in keeping our program running, while participating in activities geared towards uplifting and supporting you, your goals, your dreams and aspirations. Surrounded by the brotherhood of fatherhood, you will be the best versions of yourselves, capable of modeling what healthy relationships look like.
Join us as we aim to share a new realization of the significance of your presence in the lives of our children, our community and our world. Let Head Start and Fatherhood Matters support you in an enlightening experience you won’t soon forget!